Saturday, February 27, 2010

Vitiligo cure by Iran's stem cell research

This video shows that a man is cured of vitiligo in Iran. Research using embroyonic stem cell at Tehran's Royan Institute allowed them to provide a possible cure.According to the video which states that international laws prohibits the use of embryonic stem cells on humans for now so research like these cannot take places. In the states ethics law are against any foetus in research. However, researchers say that islamic law allows them to experiment in the first 4 week of the foetus' developement.

Well I understand why there are laws against stem cell research in some countries. The people who are pro-life claim that fetuses are persons therefore they have a right to live. Then there are others who argue that it could lead to cloning and ultimately leading to devalorization of individuals.
The supports of the reasearch are pro medical research and finding cures for diseases.

Anyways regarding stem cell laws , in the united states of america some states allow and finance it and others are completely against it. In the European Union the laws are not consistent yet. But mostly it is permitted to clone embryos for therapeutic reasons in Belgium, Netherlands, Britain, Denmark, Sweden, Finland. It is prohibited in Italy, Portugal, Gemany. In France it is only allowed embryos that are surplus' from in vitro fertilizations.
In India, China, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, Isreal,south Africa it isn't illegal to use stem cell research for therapeutic purposes.

I hope this treatment reaches to people with Vitiligo. If not. FML

Thursday, February 25, 2010

What is Vilitigo?

For those of you who have no clue what vitiligo is, well you are probably the lucky ones then. I know that because I have it. FML
Anyways, it is basicly the depigmentation of the skin causing it to go all white. Just like what Michael jackson had. It is a chronic disorder but
so please remember if you come near us, you won't get it!

Here is the wikipedia link that explains more:

a link to the answer of the questions that many ask 'How did Michael Jackson turn white?'